Thursday, April 23, 2009

The State Of Fear

This is my second semester in print making, and i have been working a a series of money prints. the proses i have been using is called soft-ground printing. soft-ground printing is
"A ground is a coating applied to a plates to protect it from the action of the mordant used in etching. Soft ground, is an acid resistant coating made of asphaltum, rosin, beeswax, and tallow. The addition of tallow keeps the ground from drying to a hard surface. A soft ground line has the character of a pencil or crayon drawing. Anything pressed into the soft, waxy ground--with a texture such as lace or fingerprints--will cause the ground to yield under pressure, removing the ground and revealing the plate for etching. The longer the soft ground plate is exposed to the acid, the deeper and wider the line becomes.".
And wala the plate it ready to print! Series is about what they say as much as the drawing itself. For example the image about says the state of fear from folding the bill. it relates to the current economic state of fear, its fun and you have to really look at it to understand, and in a way see!

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