Wednesday, April 22, 2009

nine 16"/50 and six 5"/38 guns

Fires a full broadside of nine 16"/50 and six 5"/38 guns during a target exercise near Vieques Island, Puerto Rico, 1 July 1984.
Photographed by PHAN J. Alan Elliott.
Note concussion effects on the water surface, and 16-inch gun barrels in varying degrees of recoil.

Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the the Department of Defense Still Media Collection.

On 19 April 1989 A fire in her second sixteen-inch gun turret killed 47 crewmen, but Iowa was still able to deploy to Europe and the Mediterranean Sea in mid-year. Turret two remained unrepaired when she decommissioned for the last time in October 1990. USS Iowa is presently part of the Reserve Fleet.

This image is visually stunning to me, but also the ship was built in 1943. The amount of power is staggering and scary when you think of it outside of art. Altho i understand the need for such ships, i hope there is never a use for them more than training exercises.

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