Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Dyslexia & My Blog

What is dyslexia? - Dyslexia has been around for a long time and has been defined in different ways. For example, in 1968, the World Federation of Neurologists defined dyslexia as "a disorder in children who, despite conventional classroom experience, fail to attain the language skills of reading, writing, and spelling commensurate with their intellectual abilities." According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health, dyslexia is a learning disability that can hinder a person's ability to read, write, spell, and sometimes speak. Dyslexia is the most common learning disability in children and persists throughout life. The severity of dyslexia can vary from mild to severe. The sooner dyslexia is treated, the more favorable the outcome; however, it is never too late for people with dyslexia to learn to improve their language skills.
I was diagnosed with dyslexia when i was very young 1st or 2nd grade, and have been dealing with it ever since. Its not something i hide behind, i don't like to read out loud because i suck at it, and i am not one too help you with grammar and such for a paper. Also my type of dyslexia is not the most common thought of one where you right everything backwards. I have trouble spelling in the since that i use phonetics to spell everything, and i really have trouble understanding grammar. But on the other hand dyslexia has made me a great auditory learner, and speaker, along with being very visually creative. So how dose that relate to my blog, well it harder for me to express my self in words, so i have tried to use ideas that i live by and pictures that grave me to express myself in the blog. Its not that i am slacking and don't spend anytime on it because thats not true, i just express my self differently and this is how i do that through a blog.
Monday, April 27, 2009
MAIN ST. Fort Worth Arts Festival

The MAIN ST. Fort Worth Arts Festival (MAIN ST.), Fort Worth's most honored event, celebrates its 25th year on April 15 - 18, 2010. MAIN ST. hosts tens of thousands of people annually during the four-day visual arts, entertainment and cultural event. It showcases a nationally recognized fine art and fine craft juried art fair, live concerts, performance artists and street performers on the streets of downtown Fort Worth, stretching nine blocks on Main Street from the Tarrant County Courthouse to the Fort Worth Convention Center.
The festival is ranked number three in fine are fairs, over 1300 artiste applied and only 198 were accepted by the jury. i was honored two be excepted for the second consecutive year. Last year i was excepted as an emerging artist a category that was only for first time art fest exhibiters living in TX, easy to get into. But this year i fought it out with the best of them and was excepted, needless to say i was syked! last year had taught me so much and i was better prepared this year. I was also rewarded with a one of five juried awards, and invited back for next year. The fest is really a assam event with all the art and music and would suggest to anyone to make the drive to Fort Worth to see it next year.

Foodler is a website for ordering delivery and takeout from restaurants around you. Foodler is more reliable than using a phone, since all orders are transmitted and confirmed electronically. Foodler is faster than using a phone, since we remember your address and payment preferences. Foodler tells you what's popular and what's highly-rated so that you can find the best food near you. Foodler has negotiated exclusive discounts with our partner restaurants, and passes the savings on to you. There are never any additional charges for the use of our services. In fact, Foodler saves you money. You'll also earn FrequentFoodler Points with every order, redeemable for free food and other merchandise.
I just found this a last week, from one of my favorite websites stumble upon. But its Really nice, the website is laid out great and easy to use. It lets you know what other people thing is good, witch is always nice and most of the time there is no delivery fee. its not great for late late night food because most of the places stop delivering at 11 but its still good for late night study food, and better then crappy pizza!
Top Five ways I discover New Music

1. Friends
2. iTunes with Genius Bar it takes your preference for one song or another and builds on it, giving you options of what you may like, or creates playlist form your existing library.
3. Pandora it is an easy to use music discovery website that has been a favorite of mine for some time. Pandora allows you to create “stations” by putting in your favorite band or bands. Then, Pandora will play songs from that artist and artists that have a similar sound to your main artist. I like Pandora for its no frills approach, as it doesn’t throw a bunch of extra stuff at you.
4. The Hype Machine it is a very unique website, in that, it aggregates all kinds of MP3 blogs from across the Internet into one place. This way you can find out what bands everyone else is talking about and discover them for yourself. I relay like this web site because i find blogs overwhelming and this puts it all together for me.
5. iLike is a music social network that is similar to Last fm., or your ginyuss bar on itunes, but iLike integrates with your iTunes through a sidebar. This allows you to easily get recommendations from iLike and find more people with similar tastes in order to find find new artists.
San Zhi, Taiwan

More of a modern choice this time. Below is an abandoned City in the North of Taiwan. In the area of ‘San Zhi’, this futuristic pod village was initially built as a luxury vacation retreat for the rich. However, after numerous fatal accidents during construction, production was halted. A combination of lack of money and lack of willingness meant that work was stopped permanently, and the alien like structures remain as if in remembrance of those lost. Indeed, rumors in the surrounding area suggest that the City is now haunted by the ghosts of those who died.
After this the whole thing received the cover-up treatment. And the Government, who commissioned the site in the first place was keen to distance itself from the bizarre happenings. Thanks to this, there are no named architects. The project may never be restarted thanks to the growing legend, and there would be no value in re-developing the area for other purpose. Maybe simply because destroying homes of lonely spirits is a bad thing to do. San Zhi can also be seen from an aeriel view here.
Im not a huge fan of ghost or voodoo sites coming from New Orleans, but coming from a photographers stand point this would just be such a cool place too visit and is going to definitely make my list of places i want to see.
Zerona - loose the LB's
The ERCHONIA® Laser Scanner is specially designed for use during Liposuction and non-invasive body contouring (ZERONA™). The laser is applied externally and has proven through double blind clinical trials to emulsify adipose tissue.
ZERONA™ is a new body-sculpting procedure designed to remove fat and contour the body without invasive surgery. ZERONA™ unlike other procedures, allows the patient to continue their daily activites without interruptions from surgery, pain, wounds or garments. ZERONA™ works by utilizing the Erchonia® Laser Scanner (FDA market cleared for laser assisted liposuction) to emulsify adipose tissue which then releases into the interstitial space. The excess fat is passed through the body during its normal course of detoxification. The ZERONA™ procedure was proven through a double blind, randomized, multi-site, and placebo controlled study in which patients averaged a loss of 3-4 inches compared to the placebo group that lost only a half an inch.
The Zerona seems to really work in some freaky way, throe proper nutrition with the use of the zerona, you fat cell opens up a portal and the fat oozes out. gravity makes the weight fall down until its extruded. The only reason i know about this is because my mom is the first clinic to have one in Louisiana, she swears by this stuff and i am starting to understand why. i think i may try it for blogging purposes when i go home this summer!

Meebo is a new communications and media company that's re-writing the way people have conversations and communicate on the Web. We provide instant messaging and group chat to over 40 million people at meebo.com and via partner sites across the Web.
At meebo.com, millions of people every month keep in touch with friends on any IM network (AIM, Yahoo!, MSN, Google Talk and Gmail, MySpace IM, Facebook Chat, and more!) and chat with people in Meebo Rooms. Meebo also enables live communication integrated into any website with Meebo Rooms, Meebo Community IM, and Meebo Me. Meebo is the Web's live communication platform - instant messaging from absolutely anywhere, no downloads or installs required, and free!
I really like toys that arrange a bunch of different platform into one. I really haven't used it much yet but on the next iphone update, its going to be available as a native app. So what dose this mean? You can have meebo running in the background with out draining your power, and when you get a message it will pop up just as if it was a text from meebo. Very cool!

The date December 21st, 2012 A.D. ( in the Long Count), represents an extremely close conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic (path of the Sun), what that ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. This is an event that has been coming to
resonance very slowly over thousands and thousands of years. It will come to resolution at exactly 11:11 am GMT.
The Tzolkin is a 260-day calendar based around the period of human gestation. It is composed of 20 day-signs, each of which has 13 variations, and was (and still is) used to determine character traits and time harmonics, in a similar way to Western astrology. The Maya also used a 365-day calendar called the Haab, and a Venus calendar, plus others. They measured long time periods by means of a Long Count, in which one 360-day year (a "Tun"), consists of 18 x 20-day "months" ("Uinals"). Twenty of these Tuns is a Katun; 20 Katuns is a Baktun (nearly 400 years); and 13 Baktuns adds up to a "Great Cycle" of 1,872,000 days, ( 5200 Tuns, or about 5125 years).
Mayan scholars have been attempting to correlate the Long Count with our Western Gregorian calendar, since the beginning of this century. There has been massive variation in the suggested correlations, but as early as 1905, Goodman suggested a correlation only 3 days from the most popular one today. Known as the GMT correlation, or "correlation # 584283", this was finalized in 1950, and puts the start of the Great Cycle ( day on 11th August 3114 BC, and the end-date (known as as 21st December 2012.
Jose Arguelles has pointed out that the Tzolkin is a harmonic of the Great Cycle, and can be used to map history, as if it is measuring not individual gestation but species gestation, since 5 Great Cycles add to exactly 26,000 Tuns; the "Grand Year" or precession of the equinoxes - a higher harmonic of 260.
NOTE: The astronomer Philip Plait has stated very clearly that the Mayan calendar does not end in 2012 at all, that it is like the odometer on your car, as each section of the odometer reaches 9 and then clicks over to 0, the next number to it starts a new cycle, so that when all the numbers again reach 0 all the way across the odometer - the last number will change from 1 to 2 and the new cycle starts all over again.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
A parking Garage I Like

In Melbourne I developed a way-finding-system for the Eureka Tower Carpark while working for Emery Studio. The distored letters on the wall can be read perfectly when standing at the right position. This project won several international design awards.
I can understand why it one awards, if the parking garage at my place looked like this, it probably would not be so crappy to drive into. I realy like when art plays on perspective, hence my photography so thats what really makes this fun to me. i wonder if you have to be a passenger to enjoy it fully?
More on B6
Vitamin B6 is part of the Vitamin B complex. It’s important for brain and nerve function. It also helps the body break down proteins (namely glucose) and promotes red blood cell production. For normal function, you need about 1.3mg of Vitamin B6 every day, and you usually get that much through the foods that you eat.
For a great vivid dream, you should take about 250mg of Vitamin B6. You can find a bunch of B6 and B complex suppliments at pharmacies, nutrition stores, any place you can get vitamins.
I don’t want suppliments, what foods have B6? Bananas, oranges, fish, liver, beans, nuts, eggs, chicken, carrots, spinach, and other healthy foods like that.
Any bad news? Yes. At a repeated dose of 200mg, you start not to feel so good — tingling in the hands and feet, loss of sensation in the legs, some other bad stuff…
What? You said i need 250mg? Yes, you do. Or you could skip that advice, and i’ll tell you the REAL reason Vitamin B6 works.
Tryptophan is an amino acid taken by Vitamin B6 and converted into Serotonin. Serotonin can cause extremely vivid dreams at higher levels. So the reason such a high dose of B6 is recommended for vivid dreams is that it’ll convert more tryptophan into more serotonin. But why don’t we help the process and just add in the middle man?
Why not just cut out the middle man and take Serotonin suppliments? Three words: Blood Brain Barrier. It’s a pesky thing that won’t just let things into the brain directly. Instead, Vitamin B6 and Tryptophan can be metabolized in the body and sent to the brain no problemo.
Tryptophan is found in such foods as cheddar cheese, chicken, salmon, lamb, egg, flour, white rice, and milk. Cheddar cheese has the most amount of tryptophan, and is recommended highly.
So what do I do?
You have two options: foods or suppliments. For Vitamin B6, you should get some suppliments that will provide you with about 100mg of B6 (much less than 250mg, and not dangerous!). You’re going to have a hard time eating enough oranges to get that much. Take it about an hour or two before bed. For tryptophan, you should eat some cheddar cheese (or the other foods listed) a few hours before bed, around when you’re about to take the B6.
If you’re not willing to just go out and buy suppliments, then i have advice for you. Eat a banana or two, and then sprinkle a good amount of cheddar cheese on something. Not on the banana, unless that’s your thing, it’s not really mine. Do this about an hour before bed. The next day, i’ll be surprised if I don’t see you running to your car still pulling your shirt over your head in such a hurry to get to the store.
That’ll provide you with some intense dreams! Good luck, and enjoy. Remember, work on your dream recall so you can remember these vivid dreams. Also remember to do your reality checks! Did you do one? Are you dreaming?
After i started to take B6 for anti hangover, i relay did start to notice a change in my dreams! so i googled it and this is what i found, considering i take between 200- 300mg when i drink it makes sense. I dont take it everyday obviously because i dont drink every day, so i dont know about the log term affects. But as for vivid dreams i agree.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Stoneleigh Hotel

We checked in on April 23 for a two night stay and a massage before the stresses of exams. The concierge, Anthony, was extremely nice, he took us on a short tour of the hotel, pointing out the historical aspects ( old lights switch bored, memorabilia for its occupants, first rooms were 2.50 and 3.50 for ac ) really cool stuff. Later, he helped us with a restraint and offered to have the hotel driver take us, i felt like a baller. We used the spa services the next morning and it was hi-light of the weekend. Overall i would recommend it and want to go back at least for the bar and spa! (happy hour daily till 7)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The State Of Fear

This is my second semester in print making, and i have been working a a series of money prints. the proses i have been using is called soft-ground printing. soft-ground printing is
"A ground is a coating applied to a plates to protect it from the action of the mordant used in etching. Soft ground, is an acid resistant coating made of asphaltum, rosin, beeswax, and tallow. The addition of tallow keeps the ground from drying to a hard surface. A soft ground line has the character of a pencil or crayon drawing. Anything pressed into the soft, waxy ground--with a texture such as lace or fingerprints--will cause the ground to yield under pressure, removing the ground and revealing the plate for etching. The longer the soft ground plate is exposed to the acid, the deeper and wider the line becomes.".
And wala the plate it ready to print! Series is about what they say as much as the drawing itself. For example the image about says the state of fear from folding the bill. it relates to the current economic state of fear, its fun and you have to really look at it to understand, and in a way see!
iPhone & eBay
So before spring break i fell on my phone and this is what happened! Altho it looks bad it probably saved me from braking something, sense it is the only thing i landed on, when i hit a tile floor. So because there coming out with a new one in a few months i tried to live with it but i gave up this week and went and got a new one and put the old one on ebay. The new phone cost me 400 bucks not cheep at all, so i was hoping to get a few bucks for my old one on ebay. when i went too see how much they were going for i was in shock to see between 300 and 450 bucks! it turns out that companies replace the shell and screen for under 30$ and resell the phone unlocked (so it can work on any network) for 500 and 600$. As for now i am at 200$ and only a day in, so my hopes are high and hopefully i just got a new phone for free!
G chat

"Video and voice features bring a whole new element to online communication. We have long had IM to exchange quick messages, but being able to use video makes the experience much more human. Google's implementation of Google IM and video provides a seamless way of being able to add video to a conversation on-the-fly."
I discovered this about two months ago and am in love! i have this thing about talking on the phone i just don't like it. But video chat on the other hand is so cool! i use it at-least two or three times a week to keep in touch with my friends from upper school. what makes it even better is i use gmail for my mail provider so i am always online for my friends to see. I am going to Austria in the summer and i think thats going to be the coolest application for it, ill be able to talk to anyone for free on the internet.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I Kinda Want One

"If it were only that simple. My good friend and illustrator extraordinaire, Taylor White, recently busted ass in what some would describe as an epic acrobatic gravity defying swan-dive into the Norwegian snow via snowboard. The end result was a broken wrist and 8 weeks recovery time. It just so happened that this feat occurred the week before she was due for a visit to the US of A. I was thusly wrangled into making this old school plaster cast (they do things funky in Norway apparently) into an awesome work of art. The end result can be seen!!!"
I have never broken a bone and i don't intend too knock on wood. But if i had too and was in Norway where they do things backwards id try too get one of my friends in meadows to do something sick like this! After i finished my tight trip in norway of course!
VANCOUVER — Thousands of marijuana smokers gathered in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery on Monday to celebrate "420," which is dubbed National Pot Smoking Day.
"We're trying to stay upwind," joked Vancouver police Sgt. Jim Patenaude, who was watching with a number of other officers on bicycles as smoke clouds arose from the crowd.
He said police were mainly monitoring the situation for crowd control and public safety.
"We're just here to keep the peace," Patenaude explained.
"It would be totally inappropriate to jump in and arrest."
He estimated about 5,000 people, mainly in the 18 to 20 age range, had gathered by noon, with more expected as the time approached 4:20 p.m. on 4\20.
The significance of 420 is hazy but is believed to be code for smoking pot started by a group of students at a California high school who would meet at 4:20 each day, after detentions finished.
"My alarm on my phone goes off at 4:20 every day," said Jermaine Coe, 16, a Langley Secondary school student who attended the event with friends.
Julia Trudell, 18, who lives near Nanaimo, said she and a friend caught the 8:30 a.m. ferry to attend the 420 celebration.
"It's unbelievable," she said, smoking pot from a purple bong (pipe). "It almost feels fake, it's so unreal."
One booth set up on the plaza was selling snacks for stoners and $1 stickers that said: "Legalize, Regulate, Educate, Medicate."
"We promote cannabis as a wonderful medicine" said the booth's operator, who would only reveal his first name: Jim, 48.
"The only thing that's harming people is the prohibition of it," he said.
Im am not one to celebrate 420 but its funny existed some people get about getting stoned and sticking it to the man! I really dont see the huge problem with it and see the hole US dropping the band to a degree like california. But there are precessions that need to be taken, such ass in Australia you are not allowed to operate a car if your stoned and they have saliva test too tell if you are. So dont smoke and fly or drink and drive.
Ps. Even Bob Barker knows what 420 is.
"We're trying to stay upwind," joked Vancouver police Sgt. Jim Patenaude, who was watching with a number of other officers on bicycles as smoke clouds arose from the crowd.
He said police were mainly monitoring the situation for crowd control and public safety.
"We're just here to keep the peace," Patenaude explained.
"It would be totally inappropriate to jump in and arrest."
He estimated about 5,000 people, mainly in the 18 to 20 age range, had gathered by noon, with more expected as the time approached 4:20 p.m. on 4\20.
The significance of 420 is hazy but is believed to be code for smoking pot started by a group of students at a California high school who would meet at 4:20 each day, after detentions finished.
"My alarm on my phone goes off at 4:20 every day," said Jermaine Coe, 16, a Langley Secondary school student who attended the event with friends.
Julia Trudell, 18, who lives near Nanaimo, said she and a friend caught the 8:30 a.m. ferry to attend the 420 celebration.
"It's unbelievable," she said, smoking pot from a purple bong (pipe). "It almost feels fake, it's so unreal."
One booth set up on the plaza was selling snacks for stoners and $1 stickers that said: "Legalize, Regulate, Educate, Medicate."
"We promote cannabis as a wonderful medicine" said the booth's operator, who would only reveal his first name: Jim, 48.
"The only thing that's harming people is the prohibition of it," he said.
Im am not one to celebrate 420 but its funny existed some people get about getting stoned and sticking it to the man! I really dont see the huge problem with it and see the hole US dropping the band to a degree like california. But there are precessions that need to be taken, such ass in Australia you are not allowed to operate a car if your stoned and they have saliva test too tell if you are. So dont smoke and fly or drink and drive.
Ps. Even Bob Barker knows what 420 is.
nine 16"/50 and six 5"/38 guns

Fires a full broadside of nine 16"/50 and six 5"/38 guns during a target exercise near Vieques Island, Puerto Rico, 1 July 1984.
Photographed by PHAN J. Alan Elliott.
Note concussion effects on the water surface, and 16-inch gun barrels in varying degrees of recoil.
Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the the Department of Defense Still Media Collection.
On 19 April 1989 A fire in her second sixteen-inch gun turret killed 47 crewmen, but Iowa was still able to deploy to Europe and the Mediterranean Sea in mid-year. Turret two remained unrepaired when she decommissioned for the last time in October 1990. USS Iowa is presently part of the Reserve Fleet.
This image is visually stunning to me, but also the ship was built in 1943. The amount of power is staggering and scary when you think of it outside of art. Altho i understand the need for such ships, i hope there is never a use for them more than training exercises.

There is a new beverage gaining popularity in the South, especially Houston, called Drank. Not content with following the herd of energy drinks, Drank is the antithesis of such products, claiming to be "the anti-energy drink" whose slogan is "slow your roll." This purple carbonated beverage is infused with melatonin, valerian root and rose hips which give it a sedating effect. Details, inside...
Drank anti-energy drink finds its roots in "purple drank," a slang term for a concoction popularized in the South by the hip-hop community, according to Wikipedia. Purple drank typically includes promethazine-codeine cough syrup which produces a stoned sedation. Promethazine is an antihistamine while codeine is an opiate narcotic. The syrup is colored purple hence "Purple drank."
However, Drank's active ingredients are all legal, and can be found at health and vitamin shops. Drank's press release says, "From design to production, every aspect of this calming drink was inspired by today’s popular hip hop artists who embrace the much sought-after hip hop lifestyle that encourages people to capture a stress-free state of mind."
If there can be a Cocaine Energy Drink with no cocaine, we suppose there can be Drank with no powerful pharmaceuticals. However, given the active ingredients, we're guessing that Drank will do little more than make you sleepy. But if taking naps is what is considered hip-hop nowadays, we're sure that Drank will be a runaway success.
I think this is so funny moving a illegal drug slang into main stream. obviously its not illegal or alcoholic so its just a name, but i think its great. i have tasted the Drank! and its relay not bad and will slow your roll. I personally take melatonin pills very night before bed to help me sleep, so i believe in the sedative promise. I just do not see a real place for it in my life i do not like to feel sleepy during the day and i am going to stick with my pills at night.
Five Things i think i know about girls!
1. They Love flowers for now reason! (a singe of affection that dies in a few days)
2. they big fans of Let them you Know your thinking of them. (even if your not)
3. even if your right your wrong for something ells you did basically you cant ever be right.
4. Your not going to realize half the stuff they do for the reason they did it.
5. there a great source of inspiration!
2. they big fans of Let them you Know your thinking of them. (even if your not)
3. even if your right your wrong for something ells you did basically you cant ever be right.
4. Your not going to realize half the stuff they do for the reason they did it.
5. there a great source of inspiration!
advertising anywhere

I was at the main st. art festival this weekend trying to find a Port o let when i stumbled upon something inside the potty that was even better. A add for a advertising company! It was in the shape of one of the adds that you find above the urinals at bars, just on the back wall of the port o let. There wasn't a actual add in the box, except for the companies add. For the few seconds it captured my attention, i gathered that it was a company based in Fort Worth that put adds in the back of port o lets and also rapped them to create a bigger ad. As for the concept itself why not adds are everywhere now, why not port o lets. Also it did grave my attention by being something i had never seen before.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The CVS card

So i have a CVS card just because, i really dident know why up till a few days ago. You go to the counter with you purchases they ask for your card if you do not have they swipe one anyway and you get the discounts, so what is the point! because its on my key chain i use it every time i go it, and a few weeks ago she gave me my recite and told me i had a 20$ coupon for anything i wanted in the store, i was like what to my self and just walked out not wanting to argue getting free cash! When i got home i looked it up and this is what i found!
Earn 2% back in Extra Bucks, .50 for every $25.00 or $1.00 for every
$50.00, on nearly every purchase at CVS/pharmacy during each quarter.*
Check your receipts to watch your quarterly spending balance grow. You
also earn $1.00 for every two prescriptions that are filled or refilled
during each quarter.** At the end of the quarter the ExtraBucks print
at the bottom of your register receipt in the form of a coupon that you
can use on your next shopping visit in the store.* You can also print
them from your account online at www.cvs.com
Get more of your favorite stuff free. ExtraCare keep track of your
spending and issues a coupon for free merchandise on your receipt
automatically on your next visit. For example, buy 10 greeting cards within
the year and get the next one free. Check your store for Free Extra
signs with details on participating brands and items.
So the moral of the story is use your CVS card it worth it!
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