Thursday, November 5, 2009


I really don't like Mullen
There 7 modes of the mind
If you want your marketing and communications to be effective, you need to know not only what a consumer thinks and feels about your brand, your product and your competitors; you have to understand how she interacts with content, information and media as a consumer. Is she in the mode to be entertained, to search and solve, to socialize with peers, to express her opinion, to play, to transact or simply to stay informed? If you don’t know the answer, you can’t craft the right content, engagement or message. That’s why we rely on our proprietary Seven Modes of the Mind™, perhaps the best blueprint you can find on how to engage with your customer when she’s in charge.
It just feels so distant, and Noncreative its probably not my place to judge but i have to blog on them, i just don't like there shit and its still my blog so thats how i feel!

Ok I guess ahah

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