Monday, November 30, 2009


Agency: DENTSU

Advertising Agency: Dentsu Malaysia
The bottom ad might be a little much to say that all the devastation came from nor recycling i mean come on thats a little much. But the top spot for toyota, is great! Very clever visual solution, the art direction is great, and its just flat out funny to see the thug holding a kiddy bat while really getting the point across.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Cliff Freeman & Partners

Agency: Cliff Freeman & Partners, New York, United States
Really powerful nontraditional ads, they really get the point across in a simple way! I really like the art direction how it takes a MTV style image to portray a important message! I love this reaction pic to because it describes perfectly how i felt the fist time i looked at this spot i was like what is the for "Trojan".

Friday, November 27, 2009


Title: Newcastle
The new Castle spots are cool its a nice twist on an old medium. The Skidoo spots are some of there best stuff, i like this ad for the feeling of fun it gives you like your riding a skidoo, i also really like that song so good choice!

Vending Machine

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Crispin Porter + Bogusky

Snapalope Hunting
Advertiser: Slim Jim
Title: Snapalope Skin Products
Agency: Crispin Porter & Bogusky, Miami
CP+B was my project and out off all the spots wee look at this was my favorite! there just flat out fun hah, im mean how creative to make a slim jim "meet snack" in to a hunted animal!

Snapidermy - Full Mount from gumbyhoss on Vimeo.


Brand name: YOGA STUDIO
Agency: McKINNEY
Ok what a fun way to advertise a yoga studio. i really like the creative way of showing the benefits of yoga! i really like the triptick feel and billboard size!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Kirshenbaum Bond

Advertising Agency: Kirshenbaum Bond + Partners, New York, USA

Friday, November 20, 2009

Team One Advertising

Advertising Agency: Team One Advertising, USA
These spots are over the TV right now talking about there 12 world first inventions, kinda pisses me off a little but o well. I cant overlook that its better than most of the stuff you see from Lexus! But what really turns me on about the ads is the art direction, they are really beautiful and put a new spin on a classic CAR commercial!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Arnold Worldwide

Entrant: Arnold Worldwide, Toronto
Volkswagen Canada - Clapper
Agency: Arnold Worldwide, Toronto
i like this spot for Amtrack because of the art direction and balance! The VW spot like a lot of there advertising is great, yet another quick visual solution that makes you stop and want to read the line! but whats really draws me to this ad other than the art direction is how it satisfies both clients equally!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Kaplan Thaler Group

Cool ads hu! The top one is a cool visual solution a little easy, but i like that its respectable without overwhelming SEX! The bottom ad is more clever, it probably work better in Europe because of the hole sig idea. There both fun tho and hit there target market!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Fallon Worldwide

Fallon London - 2007

For most of my blogs i did not want to do the same ones as class, but i liked this one alot before class so i don't care. There is the hole thing that the CD stole this idea from someone but we over look that right now. The spot along with the other two are undeniably great! Extremely creative from an art direction stand point along with the creative idea! I love that they are for a tv, it makes me feel like i want to see color like that. The only funny thing is that it looks great on my tv and cop so thats kinda a ketch 22 but o well. Great Stuff Fallon!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Leo Burnett

Leo Burnett Chicago
The first ones cool but it be sad if they weren't the first ones to do it because there is a lot of spots like that, like the HP spot and "a diamond is forever in roses" but ether way still cool.
I like the other to more anyway, the idea is solid and the art direction is superb. They make you laugh while braking out of the boringness of most dog food ads!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Saatchi & Saatchi

Brazillian coffee company Suplicy Cafes has a brilliant ad campaign created by F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi featuring innovative ways to fake that you’re awake while sleeping, using a creative haircuts. Of course if you are drinking their coffee, this could all be avoided.
The second ad is funny in all but there is to things i really like one creative and one not. I want to know what that guy did after the picture was taken, bald spot it up, wig, shaved head? ahah but i think its crazy cool how the type pays off the motif very creative.

Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi Indonesia
Creative Director: Juhi Kalia
Art Director: Audy Sutama
Copywriter: Pancaputera
Illustrator: DeadWolf Studio, Rudy Harianto
Additional credits: Dini Makmun, Shanty persada, Daniel B, Annisa M, M,Iskak, Tri S, Aryanto S
Published: August 2009

The top ad is great pays off the lines while being creative i mean come on whats more sensitive than power lines. Also the art direction rocks in my book, i dig how its a billboard but on you want to look at!

Monday, November 9, 2009


Publicis: Dallas
Love it, first think i think is o shit he wet the bed we need to get the chap some pull-ups, then i am just confused where are yall going the doc in the wi hours of the morning and thats when the car comes in. I love it for not starting out as a car commercial and then transforming into one while staying creative with the hole hamster night vision thing! Great art direction to Go Dallas!

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Series Our client had a small request: position their accounting consultancy as being creative, conscientious and committed. Tag took that request seriously and delivered an unusual series for a historically conservative sector.
Funny shit T.A.G., i like this and all the spots in this campaign a lot. I did how it takes a typical "sleep" idea and plays with it in a creative way so that it works. i want this guy doing my backing he is definitely not rusty!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Campbell Mithun

National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign
OK so as a hole i think allot of the anti drug shit is just childish, or way over the line. But this campaign by Campbell Mithun seems to have found a happy medium are the closest i have seen in a while. Its not say ing drugs are bad are giving you some concocted fact that level you with more questions than answers, but its just stating a logical point don't let your friends go off the deep end! I and that is itself is creative by not being overwhelmingly creative.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I really don't like Mullen
There 7 modes of the mind
If you want your marketing and communications to be effective, you need to know not only what a consumer thinks and feels about your brand, your product and your competitors; you have to understand how she interacts with content, information and media as a consumer. Is she in the mode to be entertained, to search and solve, to socialize with peers, to express her opinion, to play, to transact or simply to stay informed? If you don’t know the answer, you can’t craft the right content, engagement or message. That’s why we rely on our proprietary Seven Modes of the Mind™, perhaps the best blueprint you can find on how to engage with your customer when she’s in charge.
It just feels so distant, and Noncreative its probably not my place to judge but i have to blog on them, i just don't like there shit and its still my blog so thats how i feel!

Ok I guess ahah

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hill Holliday

Advertising Agency: HILL HOLLIDAY
Ok yea cool spot warms your hart makes you feel good all that jazz, but come on its an insurance company.
But that dose not take away from it being a great message, and making you want to trust them and thats probably the best thing they could ask for. good job Hill Holliday of taking something we don't trust and portraying them in a good light!