This Target Ad is on of my favorites not just because it crosses the boundaries of art and advertisement but also it is retail. Its not very often that you see a example of retail advertisement thats is not covered in coupons and slashed prices, packed into a grid format. Although i think art thinks outside of the box as well as great advertising, thats not what makes this piece great. It looks like more than an ad, it has a passion behind it that shines throughout.
You can see that 3 of my 5 are car commercials, and i really don't know why maybe because there is so many of them, not to mention mostly bad or cheesy like those obama look a like Kia commercials. I really like the Honda choir commercial not because, ya its crazy to see a group of people making all the sounds for a car. But Because it starts of by saying this is what a honda feels like, and the commercial really portrays every day driving environment that are way cooler because your in a honda. Thats a really simple and kinda dumb message but the medium that give it to you in makes you feel like its more than a rainy day or on your way to work at 5am.
As for the z4 painting commercial, i picked it for a really simple reason. I was in Munich this summer and i saw the actual canvas at the BMW museum, and like a pollock painting, it had depth and power and for some reason that i cant explain i loved it.
As Honda Accord COG Commercial, all you have to say is its REAL! The ad took a week of shooting, three months of prep and 6mill to complete! But thats not really what amazed me about this peace. It is without question Performance art and as testimony to it Honda recouped the money spent almost immediately with Free viewing (like youtube).
This playstation ad is art to me as well because it is inspiring, i was working in are office and i was watching the ad agin before i wrote about it. Once it finished my roommate leaned over and told me, thats a really cool ad. He had not seen the ad just heard it, and i reply yea its for the PS2. He did not believe me, but thats kinda whats cool about this one! Why dose it matter who its for art can be inspiring for just being itself!
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