Advertising Agency: Latinworks, Austin, USA Creative Director: Alejandro Egozcue Art Director: Judd Oberly Copywriter: Michael Page Illustrator: Bonnie Hofkin Published: February 2008 Latinworks is know for there spanish advertisements, but i like these spots for x-games. There funny and simple, ya maybe there a little vulgar! But i think its collage hummer and is that not there target market? Im guessing it is, there gutsy and great good job Latinworks. SWEET WORLD CLOROX, THE CLOROX COMPANY DIESTE HARMEL & PARTNERS GO TO THE LINK TO SEE THE VIDEO - I think these spots are great, the get across the point fast and effectively. I also like that the spots are in spanish but it is fine because its a visual solution. This is what a would look likes to a kid so disinfect with clorox!