Tuesday, March 3, 2009

FoxNews article - "Passengers are angry about being forced to fly on a new Southwest Airlines plane featuring a bikini-clad model, saying it is "soft porn" and is offensive to families.
Israeli supermodel Bar Refaeli, currently dating actor Leonardo DiCaprio, is pictured lying seductively in a revealing white bikini along the length of the Boeing 737 as part of a promotional deal with Sports Illustrated.

The latest addition to the US-based airline was unveiled this month and is deployed like other aircraft in the fleet, servicing all its routes."

Come on fox and MIddle America don't we have better things to complain about and report on than a SI ad on the side of a plain. One of the passengers ON the plane announced “I would not want to have to watch this plane pull up to the gate traveling with my young child, or mother, grandmother, etc.,” customer Jim Dawson. Well Jim last time i checked there worse images on the cover of magazines at your local convenient store, that are also at eye level of your child. Also the image was on the outside of the plain not on the back of your tray table. Also i cant name the last time i watched or was able to see my plane pull up to the gate. Ok so jim dose have the right to complain but i just do not understand why, i really hope a lawsuit does not come out of this.

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